Having been in practice for over 40 years, Bruce specialises in Healthcare Architecture and Health Facility Planning and has extensive experience in Project Management.
Click Here for Bruce Brinkman's Full Resume
Name: Bruce Brinkman
Position: Member, Health Facilities Planner, Senior Architect, Project Manager
Date of birth: 5 August 1945
Nationality: South African
Place of birth: Port Elizabeth
Years of Experience: 45
University of the Witwatersrand
(Bachelor of Architecture – 1970)
Bachelor of Architecture Degree (B. Arch)
(Witwatersrand University, 1970)
1967 - Student in the offices of Professors Fassler & Howie at the University of the Witwatersrand.
1970 - Joined the practice of Brinkman Van Rooyen & Browne Architects as an Architect in training.
1972 - Registered as a professional Architect.
1972 - Partner in the practice of Brinkman Van Rooyen & Browne Architects.
1995 - Senior partner in the practice of Brinkman Van Rooyen Browne & Sutton cc, Architects.
1999 - Formed Joint venture, Brinkman Van Rooyen McAll, specializing in Project Management.
2000 - Expanded Joint venture which was renamed Brinkman Van Rooyen McAll Ndayi.
2001 - Formed new multi-disciplinary practice named Brinkman Ndayi McAll cc comprising Project Management, Architecture, Quantity Surveying, Property Consultancy and Corporate Communications.
2001 - C.E.O. Brinkman Ndayi McAll cc.
2011 - Retired from Brinkman Ndayi McAll cc.
2011 - Formed B4 Architects with Bryan Brinkman.
South African Council for the Architectural Profession
South African Institute of Architects
Eastern Cape Institute of Architect
South African Council for Project and Construction Management Professionals
Project Management South Africa
South African Federation of Hospital Engineering
Knysna Private Hospital - New Ward & Parking Deck
Knysna Private Hospital - Proposed 26 Bed Ward
Mdantsane Private Hospital
CSIR - IUSS Measuring Project
Port St. Johns 1st Beach Apartments
Seagulls Hotel Development
PE Laundry
Uitenhage Railway Museum
Knysna ICU
Knysna Renal Unit
Lady Grey Hospital Assessment & Masterplan